Un-American Activities Investigations – Weed Out Marxist Commies!

Un-American Activities Investigations – Weed Out Marxist Commies! by  for Modern Survival Blog

GNN Note – Why haven’t the four junior communist members of Congress been arrested for sedition? My prayer is that if President Trump is allowed to remain President the first thing he does is arrest those 4 communist then deport and revoke citizenship of Omar and Talhib. Then go after George Soros, the same way Russia, Hungary and Poland all have done. #END

Investigative Committee To Find Those With Communist Ties

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives.

The HUAC was created in 1938. It’s purpose was to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities. This included private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Fascist or Communist ties.

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The House abolished the committee in 1975.

Re-establish Investigations To Weed Out Marxist / Communists?

The question is… Should we re-establish some sort of Un-American Activities investigation to weed out the Marxist / Communists in the United States of America?

And/or at least those who are actively integrated into positions of Un-American influence?

House Un-American Activities Committee

– public sectors (e.g. public school systems and universities)
– private sector (organized anti-American activities)
– media organizations (e.g. Hollywood, news media)
– government (Representatives)
– judicial (DA’s, judges)
– gov bureaucracies (alphabet agencies / leadership)
– financial supporters / backers
– big business (sympathizers)
– banking sector (globalists / financial influence)
– big-tech (big time Marxists, given their young indoctrinated culture)
– science sector (politicization thereof)

Given today’s glaring and open Un-American activities (seemingly everywhere), can you imagine the dragnet necessary to scoop them all up?

There would be some challenges, to say the least…

We would need to clearly define what “Un-American activities” are.

Why? Because the resulting litigation would likely be stupendous. Though if deemed “treason”, perhaps it could be swept quickly.

The thing is… MANY on the New-Leftare openly declaring their anti-American stance. So it should be pretty “cut-and-dry” to nail those with their big mouths and blatant actions.

The Marxists among us are often QUITE OBVIOUS.

Is it their “right”?

Do they have a “right” to influence others to their Marxist beliefs? I suppose one might argue that they do here in the United States (e.g. 1st Amendment). ?

However, Marxism / Communism / Socialism, and/or the blending of these ideologies, CANNOT exist side-by-side with traditional Americanism – the Constitution of the United States, and our own blend of what it is to be an American. No, it cannot.

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